Join us at Sunset Mountain Bistro in the heart of the Cradle for an epic active family day.
Bring along the whole family for some Trail Running and Mountain Biking with a distance for everyone.
Grab your free coffee waiting for you at the finish line and then browse around the awesome Sunset Mountain Bistro market. Kids are welcome and will have plenty entertainment!
Feeling hungry? Get a hearty breakfast at Sunset Mountain Bistro.
42 km | 21 km | 10 km | 5 km
Trail Run:
21 km | 10 km | 5 km
Routes are mainly off road, consist of laps, and have multiple water points to keep you hydrated.
NB: Please note that this is NOT a timed event. Participants will need to record times on their own devices.
Event hosted by Race Hopper and Puls8 Events
Whatsapp for more info: 082 8199 588 or 082 612 1889